Implementing password policy modules¶
The password policy modules must respect following API:
(config, logger)[source]¶ -
(config, logger)[source]¶ Password policy constructor
Parameters: - config (dict {'config key': 'value'}) – the configuration of the ppolicy
- logger (python logger) – the cherrypy error logger object
Parameters are declared in the main configuration file, inside the ppolicy section.
After having set self.config to config in the constructor, parameters can be recovered by self.get_param:
(config, logger)[source] -
(param, default=None)[source]¶ Get a parameter in config (handle default value)
Parameters: - param (string) – name of the parameter to recover
- default (string or None) – the default value, raises an exception if param is not in configuration and default is None (which is the default value).
Return type: the value of the parameter or the default value if not set in configuration
Here is the simple default ppolicy module that comes with LdapCherry:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim:set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4:
# The MIT License (MIT)
# LdapCherry
# Copyright (c) 2014 Carpentier Pierre-Francois
import ldapcherry.ppolicy
import re
class PPolicy(ldapcherry.ppolicy.PPolicy):
def __init__(self, config, logger):
self.config = config
self.min_length = self.get_param('min_length')
self.min_upper = self.get_param('min_upper')
self.min_digit = self.get_param('min_digit')
def check(self, password):
if len(password) < self.min_length:
return {'match': False, 'reason': 'Password too short'}
if len(re.findall(r'[A-Z]', password)) < self.min_upper:
return {
'match': False,
'reason': 'Not enough upper case characters'
if len(re.findall(r'[0-9]', password)) < self.min_digit:
return {'match': False, 'reason': 'Not enough digits'}
return {'match': True, 'reason': 'password ok'}
def info(self):
return \
"* Minimum length: %(len)d\n" \
"* Minimum number of uppercase characters: %(upper)d\n" \
"* Minimum number of digits: %(digit)d" % {
'upper': self.min_upper,
'len': self.min_length,
'digit': self.min_digit